Signature Paintinginc

For every project Signature Painting takes on, we look at it as a lasting investment into your home or business.  Using high quality products is only half the equation when developing a solution that will last. Every surface we paint is different, be it the type of material, traffic it endures or simply the cleanliness of it before we begin.  In this article we will cover some of the ways Signature Painting provides a strong, long-lasting solution for your painting needs.

Painting Wood Surfaces
When painting any surface it is important that the area is clean and free of any debris that could hinder the adhesion of the product being applied.  Depending on the surface we are working with there are a multitude of ways we will prepare said surface ensure we achieve the best result possible.  When painting a wood surface it is important to increase the wettability of the area to increase the amount of product (paint, primer, stain) that will be absorbed in to the surface.  This is achieved by not only removing any debris, oil or other contaminated that can hinder the adhesion, but also increasing surface area.  This might sound impossible, but in actuality it is possible to increase surface area through roughening the surface.  This doesn’t only remove any pre-existing debris, but increases the ability for the material to absorb more product, protecting the surface to a greater level.  This in-turn generates a longer lasting results and more for your investment.

Painting Home Siding
When working with the siding on your home or business, Signature Painting takes a calculated approach that is proven and long lasting.  It’s comprised of a multitude of steps, but begins by choosing a day to paint where the weather is conducive to the best results.  Many factors go into this decision and we work to avoid applying paint on excessively hot, humid or windy days.  Once we determine the best time to paint, we want to ensure maximum hold.  Through a proven formula we’ve developed to properly clean and prepare your siding, we remove all contaminates to produce a cohesive and professional finial look.  We also want to be sure we get the best hold possible when applying the final coats, most home siding is not made to be painted on directly.  Therefor a primer may be necessary to create a solid bond between the final coats of paint and the surface that it is being covered.  Depending on the project 2-3 coats of paint may be sufficient, though in some instances more coats are required to get the desired result.  Signature Painting will work to provide you with the results you deserve making your property look its best.

Painting Concrete
When painting concrete, it is important to realize it is unlike any other surface, therefore it poses factors that can be easily overlooked by a less experienced team.  With over 20 years of experience you can be certain that your building will look its very best.  When painting concrete its serves two main purposes, one of which is to protect the concrete from environmental elements such as UV rays, moisture and the expansion and contraction of the surface due to changes in weather.  In addition not all concrete is the same, this requires a paint to be formulated specifically to work with the concrete for your project.  The second reason you might be wanting to paint your concrete surface is to improve the aesthetic.  When preparing the surface for paint, Signature Painting analyzes the surface and performs tests to uncover any problem areas that can be addressed, making sure it’s done correctly first time and lasts for years to come.
Correctly prepping the surface, using the right techniques and choosing the right products is vital to make the most out of your time and money spent on upgrading your property.  Signature Painting provides you with piece of mind that we use only the best practices for every project we take on.  Let us show you what we can do, schedule a consultation today.